For man than so-called homo sapiens

13th november, 2017
Mauro Oliveira is Professor at IFCE and CEO of Iracema Digital

Life is full of symbols! This is the case of a library and a bookstore that put this book on display as the main objective of their existences. However, at the bookstore something intangible happens, even though it is measurable: When a reader buys a book, instead of purchasing other mundane objects, such as lottery tickets.

Another strong symbol is a tennis ball. Tennis games are more akin to Wall Street then to Greenpeace, we all agree with that. It is like a ball that “stones someone can be the same as one that caresses”, in a fresco ball game, there are also two rackets and a ball. But contrary to tennis, success in fresco ball is based on collaboration, passing solidarity, and the supporters also wish the other team to play well.

But these symbols are not limited to colloquial life. The tree of life was described in the18th century by Darwin in his book “The Origin of Species” as there is more evidence for a disputed tennis game than for a simplistic game like fresco ball. Then, is competition a distinctive mark of human nature? Then, how can Professor Heley Abreu Batista, from Minas Gerais State, fit Darwinian logic into her life to save 28 children? What would make terraqueous (earth) man sacrifice his own life for another?

In the book “Sapiens: A Brief History on Humanity”, Yuval Harari discusses the concept that Homo Sapiens dominated the world because it is the only animal capable of cooperating flexibly and the only species that believes in things created in its imagination, such as gods, nations, money, and human rights. Although Harari’s best seller is thought provoking, it does not allude to her theory on the history of thousands of terraqueous (earth) men based on the example of Professor Heley, as this specie has made decisions that exceed logical competition based on natural selection, attributing more meaning to our ephemeral course through Newton’s blue planet.

Unrelated to this issue on “tennis x fresco ball” philosophically resolved, or by scientific evolution, and even less by religious creationism, where do we stand? Returning to the symbolism surrounding us, there is a light at the end of the tunnel regarding this imbroglio, maybe the only one: providing educational excellence to young people nowadays, so that there will be possibilities for their future.

“Then, is competition a distinctive mark of human nature?”

Educating young people is a strong symbol for political connotation, preparing leaders, sometimes people, certainly both. And when this happens, we hear things written between the lines, as Edward Murrow said: “a nation of sheep creates a wolf-like government”!

Each community, each city, each country depends a great deal on the education of its young people, so that, “tennis games grant more space for fresco ball” and a more dignified reality for man than so-called Homo sapiens.

by: Mauro Oliveira


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